The Minister of Finance is expected to have written and reasoned opinion on false memos of the Tax Administration and those who break the law, unwarstrued criminal complaint, tax audit written in violation of laws, and written tax decisions in violation of laws.

 After Juha Majanen, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, the decision to establish its decisions to drafted in violation of laws, false claims and incorrect statements of artificial tax calculations, and that anti-legal tax decisions were made in December 2012. In February 2013, the fact that the Tax Administration violated the EU’s legality for several years’ legal protection laws, the Finnish Constitution, the tax audits revealed, the fact that the Taxation Act was in violation of the EU’s legal obligations for several years, the EU Constitution, the tax regulations concerning the EU’s legality, tax audits,taxation, taxation control and official activities in general.

The IRS made incorrect tax decisions against the laws on invented taxes and founded covert dividends before the Tax Administration itself initiated by the Tax Administration itself false claims of tax fraud, accounting offences, non-insurance obligations, the filing of fake tax returns and non-compliance with tax returns had been investigated or false claims had been heard in court.

The false, artificial and made-up allegations and prosecutions invented by the Tax Administration, the police, the Public Prosecution Service were dismissed by the judgment of the District Court of Vantaa on 27 November 2015 and the verdict was final on 27 December 2015 when no party appealed against the verdict.

If Finland were a rule of law, the acts of officials against the law would have been withdrawn and dissolved, but when Finland is a state-secological civil force, the Tax Administration, the police and the Public Prosecution Service did not want to acknowledge the errors they have committed and the corrupt administration system and judicial control have prevented investigations into suspected breaches of duty, false filings, false filings, false filings, and even paid taxes, so that the violation of laws would not be affected by the "intension of a de facto-increased public sector of a limited amount of claims, false filings, false filing of filings, calculations of distorted calculations and even paid taxes" in order to keep the violation of laws.

Virtanen’s family wants law-breaking officials to get the same right to what our family, who acted under the laws of law, was found to be false disclosures and truth-wroneous actions of civil servants.

All Finnish judicial review agencies have complete material, but agencies are reluctant to investigate requests to dismantle false sentences, the Supreme Administrative Court boasts that nothing new has been presented and the matter is not meaningful or important in the opinion of the KHO’s advice?

If it is not important for officials with absolute coercion to imprison unduly, unduly confiscate, destroy business by publishing unfounded suspicions and impose taxes made in violation of laws, what is relevant to honest people when asked to enforce justice?

If the Tax Administration is allowed to be the author of the crime, investigator, prosecutor, judge and right supervisor, such as the untrue story invented in the case of VETAUVT2012T323 and holds or transfer to bankruptor lawyers to bankrupt payments, taxes, increases, interest, inexit fees and determined costs and imposed costs are constitutional, criminal law, according to the tax laws, so likely that the majority of citizens do not see the matter like officials?

 We sent a summary of the dissolutions to the Minister of Finance, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Parliament and the Parliamentary Ombudsman. Since they do not show that we publish the files on our site so that everyone can check the information on which false and invented artificial charges was dismissed and the judgment of the District Court to declare that there was a right to deduct VAT and that the loan given by the small shareholder can be repaid according to the accounts and the loan is not disguised dividend as the tax inspectors Seppo Jauhiainen imagined and ordered.

Appeal material to overturn decisions and taxation of incorrect and non-laws of the Finnish Police, Tax Administration, Exit, Prosecutors of the Public Prosecution Service and the Supreme Administrative Court

Next link opens up a power point show that tells the sad story of honest Virtanen family from the beginning. It is written in finnish but can be easily translated via AI or other methods:


And then attached material to the truth, to be attached to ongoing requests for investigations, complaints and the dissolution of incorrect tax rulings and the return of seized funds.

The decision made by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Affairs of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Affairs of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Affairs of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Affairs of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Affairs of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Government have enjoyed the protection of their superiors, tax administrations, the police, the Public Prosecution Service and the Supreme Administrative Court, and the Constitution, the Criminal Code, the articles of the VML, articles, regulations and regulations, have not been to correct all the claims of the police, according to the laws, the prosecutors, and the anti-police of the public authorities, and the tax on which the tax on the incompettion of the police, the tax administration, the police, the prosecution of the public authority and the Supreme Administrative Court of a law, not to correct the protection of the Constitution, the Criminal Code, the Criminal Code, VML articles, regulations and regulations, of all claims of in accordance with the law, of the police, prosecutors and of the public authorities, of the tax authorities, which have been accused of the public authorities, of the tax administration, of the tax administration, of the prosecutors of the public, the public you were dismissed in an unwarranted criminal trial initiated by the taxman.

We hope to deal with the matter in accordance with the laws, 14 years of misfee action by civil servants, and our families who have experienced damages expect justice in accordance with the laws, we will not be satisfied with empty papers that the Supreme Administrative Court will be asked to report the rapporteurs and diaalist on dealing with the matter.

Appendix 19 includes the voting records of the district court and the material has been submitted to all authorities with a separate memory stick, so it is now excluded. Blog Site: has a few recordings and current at more.


Eeva Hepojoki
Chairman of the Board, Managing Director, Transport Licensee

Keijo Virtanen
pensioner, minority shareholder, Executive Vice President

Next links present all the crucial documents that helped in winning all the false accusations that police, taxinspectors and public prosecutor presented in criminal court. Documents are written in finnish but again, use AI or international criminal court services to translate, we have translated some documents to 18 different launguages to get our message be heard all over the world: Finland is very corrupted ann criminal state towards its citizens though finnish high elite otherwise claims:



Liite 1 

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Verotarkastajan tunnustus

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Liite 27


VM:n tunnustus Verohallinnon virheellisestä verotuksesta


  A number of chief executives in the tax administration in Finland have been convicted of crimes and a few even sacked?

Former president Sauli Niinistö was a key influencer to develop the operating model of enhanced cooperation between the "gray of a grey economy" as a partner with Markku Hirvonen. Later, Jyrki Katainen and Jutta Urpilainen eased unsupervised commando operations with additional funding spread to fees for tax administration managers and procurement of equipment from the Helsinki Police, according to the hearing?

But honest citizens and companies got a ride, Virtanen's family was hit by commandos as a squad, it didn't help that everything had been done honestly and rightly, the commando group had chosen the subject and the task was to rob and destroy quickly and prevent the exercise of justice and a fair trial?

 Tenho Tikkanen, an ambitious ex-tax inspector, found that the tax audit is not in accordance with the laws when the inspector has not met the responsible persons of the target company until the court of criminal proceedings caused by the taxman in the court of a court of court proceedings and there, even there, expressing his story, which is cohesive, false to the facts?

There was no threshold for breaking laws when commando squad stroke?

High threshold?

The tax administration's threshold for requests for investigations is obviously high. It's very difficult to estimate from the outside how high.

The Tax Administration’s guidelines say that a criminal complaint is filed when the pre-trial threshold under the Pre-Trial Act is exceeded. That means a report would be made whenever there is reason to suspect that a crime was committed. Clearly, that is not the case.

Matti Merisalo, Chief Legal Officer of the Finnish Tax Administration, has told us that, in principle, a criminal complaint is only committed in cases where criminal sanctions would be imprisonment.

 In the Katainen/Urpilainen period, the question of jurisdiction did not limit the "sense of the host groups, barely powers are controlled now, the brazenest writes a bun, "no crime, will not be investigated," "atevery one can complain if you have been mistreated," "the official has a discretion and can be used without restrictions," "the prosecutor does not have an obligation to stay in truth" and many other slogans use the form of a pernitor.

But when there were real party guys, the Director General of the Tax Administration was not held to account for VAT speculation even though it seemed interesting?

In Jyrki Katainen and Jutta Urpilainen, there were no thresholds or rules, and debt money flowed abroad and domestically, even state assets were sold at below prices, and the economy of related parties flourished near all parties? It was easy for Stubb, Sipila, Rinne and Marin to continue on the opened path, money had not been overseen by no one in the tax administration, police, prosecutorial office, enforcement and administration rights when commandaries were involved?

And the rule of law enforcement still seems to be a pleasant topic during Petteri Orpo and Riikka Purra’s term when it comes to clear actions that violate the laws of civil servants and compensation for damages? 

Finland does not comply with its laws or international agreements, even though Finland has received many times more judgments for the actions of administrators than the comparator countries in particular? Yet the Supreme Administrative Court does not even give anyone who requests legal protection any material on the processing of applications for dismantling official decisions that violate laws, memos, presentation protocols, i.e. the Supreme Court seems to override Putin’s Russian policies in secrecy?

If the President of the Supreme Administrative Court, Kari Kuusiniemi of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland, the Administrative Procedure Act of Finland, the Administrative Procedure Act, the so-called law enforcement of the rights of KHON, he might have led his officials to investigate in particular whether the Tax Administration and the Helsinki Administrative Court have complied correctly with the laws, regulations and regulations, when written evidence shows that the Tax Administration has imposed taxes. 2012-2013 when the preliminary investigation has not been completed, the tax appeals are in all respects, in the middle of a prosecution and a criminal trial caused by a tax authority against a false criminal complaint begins before spring 2015?

 Here is link to finnish written materials that were presented to famous PM Sanna Marin but she was not interested to investigate either the gray economy on state owned companies or to settle the massive corruption ja criminal ways that were conducted in stateministery an taxbureau?

On pages 53-57 of the material sent to Sanna Marin contain original pages of official documents - but when the police do not investigate, the prosecutor does not want to correct gross and deliberate breaches of duty, is it appropriate to state that Finland is a criminal state where honest citizens are at the mercy of corrupt and criminal officials?

And no member of parliament or a minister elected from among them wants to see the Finnish form of government being violated and civil service gangs destroy the social system and the economy of citizens, as well as public confidence in politicians and politics?

Citizens of the world, please help to publish material on the corruption, administration crimes and wrongdoings that finnish politicians and public servants use against law abiding, honest citizens.

Finland seems to be one of the worst cases in EU where all the laws and agreements are broken and political elite and their nearest people and politically nominated officials take gain against law.

Unfortunately our language is rare and difficult and when all media is silenced in Finland, so it is very difficult to get information on finnish corruption to world publicity.

But we are fighting against corruption and criminal public administration, otherwise Finland is doomed to socialism and communism, perhaps under the Russian order?

Keijo Virtanen and daughter Eeva  2024 1st November in Mäntsälä, closing Antiokia Oy that during 14 years fought against criminal state administration and against companies that break laws in transportation.

We have told our sad story to many finnish politicians and EU parlament members but they have not been interested on finnish state administration corruption?


Please, Ursula von der Leyen, help us in Finland, we deserve better than corruption and crime governing us when defending western culture, well-being and peace here in north-east frontier if European Union !

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