Waiting prime minister giving an answer as law requires
Dear Prime Minister of the Republic of Finland Petteri Orpo,
You have gained the trust of the majority of parliamentarians elected in democratic elections and you lead Finland's highest administrative body, the State Council. In your position of trust, you are responsible for ensuring that Finland complies with the international human rights convention, EU regulations and EU directives that have been adapted to the national level, as well as the Finnish Constitution and other legislation.
I asked you yesterday, May 28, 2024, at the EU election conference organized by Ilta-Sanomat newspaper, how and when are you going to answer the legality monitoring question submitted to you, regarding the baseless memo written by the Tax Administration on October 10, 2011, the baseless criminal report made by the Tax Administration on October 11, 2011 and the resulting unjustified criminal process, the police and tax officials unlawful acts performed and taxes imposed and seized in violation of the law, tax increases, interest and enforcement fees for taxes imposed in violation of the foreclosure laws, as well as court costs, investigation and attorney's fees. According to Finnish laws, a citizen has the right to receive a written and reasoned answer when he requests it from the responsible authority, either in writing or orally.
Dear Prime Minister Petteri Orpo, I think you remember well when, on August 24, 2023, I asked you personally at the statue of the Three Blacksmiths the questions regarding legality control of the illegal actions of the Tax Administration, the Itä-Vantaa police, the Itä-Vantaa district prosecutor Sari Aho, which is felt by the entire top leadership of Finland and the top so-called law enforcement and, of course, to protect all law-breaking officials' own colleagues and possible partners in corruption? I also gave you written material, more than 100 pages of 2-sided text and a link to the blog site virtasenperheenoikeustaistelu.blogspot.com
Our conversation lasted almost 15 minutes, you promised to look into the matter and make the officials find out how to investigate suspected abuses of official power, how to correct the taxes imposed in violation of the law and how to agree on compensation for the corrupt and illegal activities of the officials.
We were left waiting.
In the autumn term, I reached out to you several times and left call requests so that we could hear how legality monitoring is progressing in cases where officials have grossly, deliberately and continuously broken laws and not the so-called law enforcement has not wanted to investigate and correct the illegal acts of civil servants. There was no call from you and you didn't send any message even through your secretary. So it is no longer valid that the higher the lord, the friendlier the behavior?
After the presidential election campaign, when we still didn't hear anything from you, we sent more written material, updated the blog site and looked for an opportunity for a personal meeting. Such appeared and again I asked you if you are going to follow the law and give a reasoned, written answer to the legality control questions that have been presented to you to answer. You nodded and again "we'll investigate" was your answer.
When we still didn't hear anything and your secretary couldn't say anything other than greetings and that the call request had been presented to you, we left a new call request. Things must move forward and the lawsuit against corrupt officials of the State of Finland, abusing official power and the so-called is your responsibility towards the judicial authorities, honorable Prime Minister Petteri Orpo? For those of us who have suffered damages, those living under torture and under the threat caused by public officials for more than 12 years, we need a written, reasoned explanation from you as to why you may not consider it appropriate to order an investigation of the suspected public officials or why you do not think that Finnish laws would apply to you? In any case, according to the law, you must give a written and reasoned answer regarding the legality control, in which case we can present your statement in the trial as well as the respective written, reasoned answers of the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Justice and the Minister of the Interior about the legality control, it is not enough that the Director General of the Tax Administration, the Director of the Police Department of the Ministry of the Interior, who led the 2011-2012 laws against the "intensified commando attack of cooperation with the authorities of the gray economy" and the Deputy Crown Prosecutor of the State Prosecutor's Office who has refused to accept the fact that Vantaa's engagement district prosecutor Sari Aho has grossly, intentionally and in the performance of his duties bypassed individuals and joint-stock companies, concealed valid social insurances, presented baseless claims for damages in the name of the Pension Security Agency, evaporated "case 14 " a matter where there would have been plenty of activities judged to be criminal, but the prosecutor's comrades and friends were perhaps responsible? and many other acts against the law can be found in the actions of prosecutors, judicial supervisors and the Office of the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the Government, as well as the Ombudsman of the Parliament, when civil servants protect themselves and each other
Yesterday, May 28, 2024 at 5:00 p.m., another opportunity arose to ask you, Honorable Prime Minister Petteri Orpo, whether you intend to comply with Finnish law and, based on your ex officio responsibility, give you a written, reasoned answer to why you do not consider you bound by the laws and why you do not supervise the other members of the Government Council you lead regarding the responsible ministers, that they also give written and reasoned answers to the legality control questions presented to them?
At the end of the event, I came to shake your hand, Honorable Prime Minister Petteri Orpo, and asked how your response process in the legality control matter is progressing. You threw yourself into being misunderstood and unremembered, just as the police, tax officials, prosecutors and the so-called when the judicial officers have not wanted to confess their own and their colleagues' criminal acts.
Dear Prime Minister Petteri Orpo, when you apparently think that the laws of Finland do not apply to you, even if you claim contrary to the facts, as you did yesterday, that Finland is a state governed by the rule of law, then according to the law you still have to give a written and reasoned answer to Antiokia Oy and Keijo Virtane about why don't you put the civil servants who have broken the law under investigation and why don't you negotiate on damages but let the compensation case proceedings for clear, already proven civil servant crimes go to the district court?
Waiting again for your reply, preparing for the next meeting?
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